Welcome to Sabbath Conversations.
Sabbath Conversations is an initiative designed to encourage discussions on perhaps the most misunderstood, debated and contended doctrine of the Christian faith, God’s Sabbath.
While most Christians agree on the other nine of God’s Ten Commandments; much contention arises when the issue of God’s Sabbath comes up. Some say it is Sunday, the first day of the week; while others maintain that God’s Sabbath is Saturday, the seventh day of the week.
Further, many Christians believe that they no longer are required to keep God’s Sabbath once they accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. On the other hand, there are those who insist that it should be kept, by God’s grace, just as the other nine precepts of His moral law.
Whatever your position on this issue, we invite you to share your thoughts, comments, ideas and convictions on this crucially important topic that impacts all of us. Let’s have a conversation.
Beyond sharing your thoughts and asking your questions on this site, we will welcome an invitation from your church or other group to have a Sabbath Conversation at your location. That conversation will be recorded and posted on this platform for all see and help others examine the different positions on this rather vital topic of apocalyptic proportions. Also, you can share a 1-3 minute video with our visitors. All we ask is that you be polite, respectful of others and Christ-like in your discussions.
As the Sabbath/Sunday issue becomes more and more a topic of discussion, as is already happening, we strongly recommend that you get a copy of the book, God’s Sabbath Truth…a decision to make. Regardless of your belief, you will find this volume to be a valuable resource. It is a simple, systematic study of God’s Sabbath from creation through redemption. The book is written from the perspectives of the Bible, prophecy, history and contemporary world affairs.
It explores the attempted change of God’s Sabbath to Sunday and brings to the forefront the great end-time struggle between God’s law and the tradition of man. The volume examines the vital role the United States of America is playing in these closing scenes in the Drama of the Ages as she (America) enables the Roman Papacy to regain control of the world and establishes a one world religion–hers (Revelation 13:11-17;17). The book addresses most of the common objections to keeping God’s Sabbath.
More importantly, God’s Sabbath Truth provides the information you need to help you make an informed decision on the Sabbath /Sunday issue. Such a decision is most crucial as we are witnessing the human family rapidly advancing towards its prophetic destiny.
You will be blessed, edified and challenged by your participation in Sabbath Conversations. Please join the conversation today.
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