The Mark of the Beast: Revealing the Naked Truth

It is perhaps  the most frequently discussed  Biblical doctrine today. Not only is this topic eminent in religious circles; but even the non-religious speculate and make determinations as to what is the Mark of the Beast and its ramifications on society. Regardless of whether you are religious or non-religious, Christian or of any other religious

The Protestant Reformation: Remembering the Forgotten Leg

It is now 500 years since the singular act of the Augustinian monk, Martin Luther, ignited what has come to be known as the Protestant Reformation. Yet, Luther was not the one who started the protest that has come to be synonymous with him and a movement that has forever changed the course of human

The Gathering Storm

A storm is coming: relentless in its fury and unimaginable in its scope. It is destined to affect every person on planet earth. The ancient Jewish seer, Daniel, describes it thus, “And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a