The United States in Bible Prophecy
The Bible has been remarkably accurate in prophesying the ruling powers of the earth. From the time of the Babylonian Empire to our present day, it boasts 100% accuracy rate in foretelling the nations that would rule supreme over the human family. Beginning with Babylon, more than 600 years before the birth of Jesus Christ, those powers are undeniably identified in the historical record. They are: Babylon, Media/Persia, Greece, Imperial Rome, the Roman Papacy, and the United States of America.
But many are wondering, yea speculating, who will be the next world Superpower. Will it be China? Will Russia be next? Will Islam hold universal sway or is there another power that is masked, rising rapidly, but stealthily on the horizon? How long will that next Superpower reign and will it be the ultimate and final world kingdom?
Universally, we are experiencing political, racial, gender, cultural and ideological tensions rising at a feverish pitch. Civil discontent and popular unrest continue to characterize the state of the nations. Moral declension is at an all time low. Earthquakes, severe storms of every sort and nature are occuring at a rapidly intensifying rate. And the questions remain, where do we go from here? Which way America?
The book, The Great Controversy, gives some intriguingly fascinating and compelling answers to those and other questions confronting humanity today. This book, based on Bible Prophecy, history and contemporary world political/religious affairs, takes an insightful look back at previous world powers and examines the state of the current world Superpower, the United States of America. It identifies the next player rapidly rising over the horizon, explores its relationship with America, and reveals the kingdom that will ultimately rule the world. More importantly, it will prepare you for what is about to come upon the world as an overwhelming surprise.
Here’s what the author, who has been described by the prestigious Smithsonian Institution as one of the ten most influential religious leaders in America, has to say about her timely classic: “Above Silver or Gold—The Great Controversy should be very widely circulated. It contains the story of the past, the present, and the future. In its outline of the closing scenes of this earth’s history, it bears a powerful testimony in behalf of the truth. I am more anxious to see a wide circulation for this book than for any others I have written; for The Great Controversy, the last message of warning to the world is given more distinctly than in any of my other books (Letter 281, 1905. – CM 127.1).
Then she admonishes, “For some time I have been strongly impressed that decided efforts should be put forth to proclaim the testing truths of the third angel’s message in the city of Washington, the capital of the American nation. It is a sad thing that our record stands as it does, showing so little accomplished in this city. If there is any place in the world that should have the full rays of present truth, it is Washington, the city that is the very heart of this nation. Those who act a prominent part in framing laws for the nation should understand what is written in the law of God, which lies at the foundation of all right laws” {RH July 28, 1903, par. 1}.
Heeding to those words, we invite you to support us in getting the Great Controversy in the hands of the political, religious, political, governmental and media elite of the nation. We have a goal of sending 20, 000 copies to these influencers and thought leaders. Thus far we have received funding for 17,000+ We thank those who have made this possible and solicit your contributions to help us reach our goal.
Today, we see the prophecies of the end times as revealed in the Bible and expounded upon in the book, The Great Controversy, coming to pass before our eyes. We therefore ask that you consider giving to this cause which will edify, inform, educate and give valuable insight into where we are headed as a nation and as a world. It will impact many lives for the better and for eternity.
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